The Fickle Fate of Classics

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What we perceive as -classics- or -canonical works- in literature may undergo considerable changes in the course of the centuries. In this course, we shall use the example of literature for children and young adults from the eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century to explore possible reasons for such changes in a text's status. After briefly examining some criteria for -classics-, most of the time in this course shall be devoted to discussing a selection of novels for young readers that used to have canonical status in their time but have now become almost forgotten outside the realm of academic research. Time permitting, we may also look at some texts that are highly interesting from our twenty-first-century perspective but have been forgotten or hidden in their own time. By examining especially the ideological underpinnings of these texts, and by reading them with regard to the social imaginiaries they convey, we shall draw tentative conclusions about in how far the fate of canons and classics are determined by criteria and concepts other than aesthetic or mere literary qualities. A list of titles to be discussed will be given in due time. However, students must definitely be prepared to purchase and read at least four novels.

Titles to be discussed may include the following (to be confirmed at a later point - please check again!) Mrs Sherwood, The History of the Fairchild Family Thomas Day, Sandford and Merton Hesba Stretton, Jessica's Last Prayer Brenda, Froggy's Little Brother George Mac Donald, At the Back of the North Wind Charles Kingsley, The Water Babies etc. Anglistik - Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft Beachten Sie, dass Sie diesen Kurs nach den Prüfungsordnungen ab 2011 nicht besuchen dürfen, wenn Sie die für dieses Modulelement laut Fachspezifischen Bestimmungen und Modulhandbuch notwendigen Voraussetzungen noch nicht erfüllen. Für einen LP-Erwerb in den alten Lehramtsstudiengängen BK (Modul 6.3) und GY (Modul 7.4) ist der vorherige erfolgreiche Abschluss der Zwischenprüfung erforderlich. 2 LP/ 3 LP Studienleistung: regular, active participation in class; oral assignment (to be specified before the beginning of the term) 5 LP: same as above, plus written elaboration of oral assignment (ca. 1200-2000 words) 3 LP Prüfungsleistung: written academic term paper (ca. 4000-5000 words) 7 LP: see requirements for 3 LP Studienleistung PLUS requirements for 3 LP Prüfungsleistung Universität Siegen SoSe 2014 Univ.-Prof. Dr. Müller Anja